Linking webfonts
For every page displaying fonts there’s a need for a link to webfont and @fontface for styling.
In each template that comes with Fountain, each controller fills $fontFiles
with the webfont used on the page.
By using slots in the head snippet, we can inject and @fontface needed for each page.
<?php snippet( 'fountain/head', slots: true ) ?>
<?php slot( 'styles' ) ?>
<?php foreach ( $fontFiles as $font ) : ?>
<?= $font->toLinkRel() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ( $fontFiles as $font ) : ?>
<?= $font->toFontFace() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endslot() ?>
<?php endsnippet() ?>
The two methods, toLinkRel
and toFontFace
does what you expect. Loop through each file and …
Remember to add any custom font fields you create to $fontFiles